Frank Fickett Boy Scout Center – 12500 North I-35
The Scofield Farms Residential Owners Association will hold their Annual Meeting Wednesday, May 9th @ 6:30pm at the Frank Fickett Boy Scout Center. Important agenda items include: (a) Report of Officers, (b) Election of one (1) homeowner to the Board of Directors, and (c) any other new business. It is recommended that all residents attend in order to hear what is happening in the neighborhood and with our ROA. If you are unable to attend, make sure to turn in your signed proxy form (very important if you can’t be there) to CMA. If you have neighbors who are not able to attend, you can also collect their proxies and bring them to the meeting.
Why are proxies important? They can ensure that we have a quorum.
We will need a quorum to hold the meeting.
If we’re unable to get a quorum, the meeting will need to be rescheduled, at large expense to the association.
This year we will be voting to fill one (1) open board position. If you are interested in running for this position, please complete the Scofield Farms Nomination Form and email to [email protected].