It’s that time again! Come join us for the annual Easter Egg Hunt at Scofield Farms Park on Saturday, March 30 from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm. We’ll have Easter egg hunts for ages 3 and under, 4-6 and 7 and up as well as food and the Tiny Tails to You petting zoo. If you plan to participate, please deliver a dozen eggs *per participating child* to Laura Nattinger’s house, 1416 Braided Rope Drive, by Saturday, March 23. The eggs should be stuffed with individually-wrapped candy and/or small toys. If possible, please avoid sending golden-colored eggs, since they tend to get confused with the prize golden eggs that we hide for each age group. We’d also like for parents/grandparents to add a note listing their kids’ ages to the bag of eggs they drop off, so we can better distribute the eggs into the appropriate age groups. See you there – don’t miss the fun!