Neighborhood Garage Sale


5/6/2017 – 8am-12pm

Start your spring cleaning, for it’s garage sale time!

We are once again teaming up with our friends at Scofield Farms at the Ridge for a two-neighborhood garage sale!

Jodi Cadle and Shawna Loberg from Scofield Farms are coordinating this event along with Chrissy Rasche from the Ridge.  If you are interested in participating, please contact Jodi via the Facebook Scofield Farms Residents group or email ( with your name and address by April 22.

The sale will be advertised in the Austin American-Statesman newspaper, Craigslist, as well as other advertising outlets.

Neighborhood Watch Alert

With the holidays approaching, package delivery will undoubtedly increase. Please be expeditious in retrieving packages that are in the mail boxes as well as those left at your front door. If you are planning a trip out of town, please alert your neighbors so they can keep an eye on things as well as hold packages for you that might be left at your doorstep. Let’s do our best to eliminate opportunities for thieves to take away our holiday parcels.

National Night Out – Friday, October 7!


Scofield Farms is celebrating Neighborhood Night Out on Friday, Oct. 7 from 6:30-8:30pm.

Lock your doors, leave your porch light on, and walk around to socialize and enjoy some refreshments with your neighbors.  We’ll have three separate block parties set up at the stub near Dapplegrey & Braided Rope, at the cul-de-sac on Dapplegrey near Metric, and at the curve of Picket Rope near Cinchring.  We hope to see you there!

Help Prevent Mail Theft

A neighbor reported today that a FedEx package that was delivered to her home on Friday was stolen from her front porch at about 6 am on Saturday.  It has been reported to the police and video has been captured.

This is a reminder to all to be vigilant about your delivery services.  Please remember to pick up mail from the mailboxes and packages from your front doors as soon as possible.  Thanks to all for helping to keep our neighborhood safe!

Pool Issue Resolved! August 11

The pool has been reopened!  The issue was found to be faulty grounding and has been fixed.

Happy swimming and don’t forget to join us for the Movie at the Pool on Saturday, 8/13!