CMA Manager Change Notice

The pool will close for the season after the weekend. The last day for the pool will be Sunday, October 11.
The playground will be reopening this weekend (October 11). However, it will be play at your own risk. The playground is not being sanitized or cleaned. Please wear a mask and maintain six feet distance from others not in your family. We cannot guarantee the safety of the playground equipment in relation to COVID-19.
The Board will be holding a meeting via Zoom on Monday, October 12, 2020, at 2:30pm.
Details to join the meeting are included in the Agenda and below.
You will find the Agenda to the October 12 meeting here.
Use this link to join the Zoom meeting or use the Zoom information:
ZOOM MEETING ID: 833 5114 3857
PASSWORD: 040077
As summer is winding down we just want to remind everyone of the some major pool rules still in effect as directed by the SROA Board of Directors and local governmental authorities:
1. NO Pool Parties are allowed
2. NO gatherings of more than 10 people
3. Pool Capacity is still at 50% or 63 owners
4. Pool Waiver forms MUST be signed up each entry
5. Masks are required for all over the age of 10 – unless you are in the pool
6. Social distancing of 6’ is required for persons not in immediate family household
Anyone not following the rules will be asked to leave by the gate monitor and could lose pool privileges for remainder of the season. Our goal is to allow residents to enjoy the amenity but also to keep each of us safe!
The pool will continue the summer hours through Sunday, September 6. The pool will be open for Labor Day Monday, September 7. After Labor Day the pool will only be open Saturday and Sunday from 8am – 8pm, and will not be open during the week. The pool closes for the season at 8pm on Sunday, October 11.
The social committee is filling a void of the COVID cancelled Annual Pool Party on the 4th of July with a Chalk Walk instead. They will provide a bag of chalk for each person wanting to participate (i.e, if you have two kids you may take two bags) starting Monday 6/29.
Your job will be to get your creative designs and/or inspirational words on your sidewalk or driveway by July 4th. Then everyone can walk the neighborhood to view the encouraging and amazing art work. There is no need to RSVP for this “event”, just pick up your chalk at one of the following locations:
12617 Pony Lane
13150 Bayfield
1716 Quarter Boot Cove
July 15, 2020 6:30 p.m. Zoom Meeting at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82943018833 Meeting ID: 829 4301 8833 Password: 297356 ALL BALLOTS DUE BEFORE MEETING |
Due to the current restrictions in place for Covid19, the 2020 Scofield Residential Owners Annual Meeting will be held on July 15, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will occur via Zoom video conference and all voting will be handled by absentee ballots. If you wish to assign your vote by proxy, please contact Peggy Kuhns at CMA via [email protected]. Use the following links to view Annual Meeting Information: Agenda and Notice, Candiate Bios, Ballot, and Past Minutes. You can join the Zoom Meeting at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82943018833 Meeting ID: 829 4301 8833 Password: 297356 Important agenda items include: (a) Report of Officers, (b) Election of two (2) homeowners to the Board of Directors, and (c) any other new business. Nomination forms were distributed via posting on www.scofieldfarms.org and email blast to residents on June 9, 2020 with a deadline of June 14, 2020. Those persons who asked to be considered for the board of directors are on the linked meet the candidates & absentee ballot. In order for business to be conducted, a quorum of 10% must be established. Each ballot signed and returned will also count towards the 10% quorum requirement. Even if you plan to join the conference meeting, please return the signed ballot before the deadline to ensure quorum is met!! Please use one of the following methods to return the signed ballot no later than July 15, 2020 at 12 noon to: Email: [email protected] Fax: 512-339-6962 or Mail: 101 River Hills Drive, Georgetown, TX 78628. The packet mailed via postal service to each owner includes: Agenda and Meeting Notice, Meet the Candidates, Absentee Ballot, 2019 Minutes, 2019 financial summary, and May 2020 financials (corrected document from 6/24 mailout) to have on hand during the meeting. Thank you for your attention to this important matter. If you have any questions regarding the annual 2020 Scofield Residential Owners Association annual meeting, please contact the board or call CMA office at 512-339-6962 or email at [email protected]. |
The Scofield Farms ROA Board of Directors voted on Monday, June 15 to provisionally open the pool on June 23, 2020 for the 2020 season. The Board voted to officially file rules with the County which will permit the Board to set and change rules to address health and safety concerns moving forward.
The future pool status is subject to closure based on city, county, state and federal orders. Residents must abide by new temporary rules that have been put into effect for the duration of the COVID situation and the 2020 season. All residents will be required to complete a waiver for their household.
No guests nor parties will be permitted during this season. Full-time gate monitors will be used to control capacity, remind residents of rule compliance and perform regular surface wipe-downs. Due to increased COVID related budget impact – the association will be unable to provide life guards during peak times. SWIMMING HAS ALWAYS BEEN AT YOUR OWN RISK for all participants entering the facility.
Pool capacity, under orders from the Governor, must be limited to 50% which for Scofield Farms is 63 persons. Thus there is the possibility you could be refused access due to capacity limits. The Board urges residents to limit their use of the pool to no more than 2 hours per day.
The ROA is increasing janitorial services for restroom cleanings each day the pool is open. Contracted monitors will not only seek to enforce ROA rules but will also regularly wipe down surfaces during their shift.
Showers and changing areas will be closed and marked off with caution tape. Residents should come dressed to swim and plan to change at home.
Please note all new signage on the property and adhere to the requests to maintain a safe and pleasant environment for all persons.
Facility furniture is only available for use by residents AT YOUR OWN RISK. These will not be wiped down nor maintained more than on a weekly basis. Furniture may not be moved during this period.
Each arriving homeowner must sign and complete an updated waiver and acknowledge the risks. A new waiver must be completed each time you visit the pool.
Residents must comply with social distancing practices including use of masks for those over age 10 outside the pool water. Parents must ensure their children do not encroach on other guests.
Any resident who may be at a higher risk with respect to COVID-19 is encouraged to not use the pool center during this pandemic. Any person experiencing or otherwise exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19, who has tested positive for COVID-19, or was exposed to someone with COVID-19 within the last 14 days may not enter the pool area. If you have any COVID-19 related questions, the Association recommends you contact the appropriate health officials. USE OF THIS FACILITY IS DONE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Mondays – CLOSED
Tuesday – 8 am-12pm; 4pm-8pm
Wednesday – CLOSED
Thursday – 8 am-12pm; 4pm-8pm
Friday – 8am -12pm, 4-8 pm
Saturday – 8 am – 8 pm
Sunday – 8 am- 8 pm
OPEN – June 23
CLOSE – September 28
After Labor Day – schedule will reduce to only weekend (Friday thru Sunday) access through the end of September. All future pool status is subject to closure based on city, county, state and federal orders.
If you observe reportable activity at the pool, please email [email protected]
Thank you for your patience during this season of change and challenge.
The Board will convene a special called meeting via Zoom on June 15 at 2:00p.m. Details to join the call are included in the Agenda and below. (*Please note this is NOT the Annual Meeting, which is scheduled for July 15.)
You will find the agenda for the June 15 meeting here.
Use this link to join the Zoom meeting or use the Zoom meeting information:
Zoom Meeting ID: 872 8418 4315
Password: 506416
The ROA Board of Directors has expended considerable amounts of time working on the opening of the pool. We are fully aware that nearby pools are opening this month.
The Board is working toward preparations to open the Scofield Farms Pool for residents later this month.
Please mark your calendars for the annual Scofield Farms Residential Owners Association Meeting which will be held via Zoom on July 15 at 6:30 p.m. An agenda will be shared in advance of the meeting. Remember that Scofield Farms budget information is already posted on the website.
If you are interested in serving on the SF ROA Board of Directors – there are two open terms that will be up for election. Due to the timeline that will be required for advanced balloting prior to the meeting, you will need to complete this form by June 14.
Please use this form and return to CMA via [email protected].