July 2012 Yard of the Month Winners

Congratulations to the Yard of the Month winners for July!  The overall winner, 1317 Braided Rope, will receive a $75 gift card to Lowe’s.  In addition, the winners for Scofield Main (12921 Scofield Farms), The Park at Scofield (1538 Tamar), and Withers Way (12735 Withers Way) will receive a $50 Lowe’s gift card.  Be sure to check out these outstanding yards as you make your way around the neighborhood!

Also, here’s a special message from the Yard of the Month Committee:

The judging is done on the first weekend of each month, and the judging is getting really tough!  There are a lot of beautiful yards, and our neighbors are showing a lot of originality and hard work.  We on the Yard of the Month Committee — Ronda Schultz, Leigh Ann Brunson, and Jacob Abdel-Qader, really appreciate nominations from our neighbors!  Please send an email to Ronda at [email protected], Leigh Ann at [email protected], or Jacob at [email protected].

1317 Braided Rope
12921 Scofield Farms Drive
1538 Tamar Lane
12735 Withers Way



2012 4th of July Party at Scofield Farms Pool

From Maria Shelby:

The annual 4th of July pool party will be held on Wednesday, July 4th from 10:30 am to 2 pm.  We will have a multitude of games for the children and door prizes for the parents.  Unfortunately, AFD officials informed me that their fire trucks will not be able available to lead us in a neighborhood parade prior to the event.  However, we will have plenty to do without their presence including water volleyball, watermelon relay races, pie-eating contests, badminton in the grassy area, and the ever popular coin toss in the pool.

In addition, there will be door prizes from Frost Bank, Which Wich, My Fit Foods, tickets to watch the Round Rock Express baseball games, and others to be announced at the event.  In addition, we will have a tattoo parlor. 

The food this year includes grilled hot dogs, chips, watermelon, flavored ice pops, and some type of sweets for dessert.  This is one of the biggest events of the year and we are excited for it to take place!  The weather forecast for next Wednesday is hot and sunny!

Bring your American spirit, family and the kids’ goggles so they can see those coins underwater.  Lastly, bring some folding chairs as we might run out!

Playground Grand Opening Party Photos

A good time was had by all at the playground grand opening party on Saturday morning, June 23.  Many thanks to the children, parents and grandparents who stopped by to say hello and enjoy the new equipment and refreshments with us.   Please come by and check out the new playground soon, if you haven’t yet done so!

Trying out the steps


The new slide


A table area underneath


Climbing fun


Parents enjoy the new shaded area






New Playground

After many months of planning and work, the new playscape by the pool is open for play as of today (Tuesday, June 19). We anticipate that the children of Scofield Farms will enjoy this fun, safe, and shaded place to play for many years to come!  In the near future, we will extend the perimeter fencing to encircle the entire area and add a gate at the northeast corner to improve safety for families with young children.  Many thanks to Steve Walden and the many other community members involved in this important project for all their time and effort.





June 2012 Yard of Month Winners

These are the winners of the June Yard of the Month. Each section has one monthly winner who receives a $50 gift card to Lowe’s, and there is one “overall” winner for outstanding yard in the Scofield Farms HOA who receives a $75 Lowe’s gift card. The judging is done the first weekend of June, July, August, September, and October and the winners will also have a sign displayed in their yards. The winning addresses are : 1338 Braided Rope (overall winner), 13023 Scofield Farms Drive (winner in the Main), 12728 Withers Way (winner in the Withers Way section), and 13130 Bayfield Drive (Park winner).


1338 Braided Rope


12728 Withers Way
13023 Scofield Farms Drive
13130 Bayfield


Ronda Schultz

Board of Directors Meeting Scheduled for 06/28/12

Scofield Farms ROA
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date: June 28,2012
Location and Time: CMA @ 6:00pm

9600 Great Hills Trail, Suite 100E
Austin, TX 78759

Call to order

Present – Shelley Karn,  David Negrete, Emmett Bills, Paul Maine, Debbie Southerland

a. Community member’s forum- Input allowed from homeowner/members

Approval of Prior Minutes

Review and approve minutes of the Board meeting held March 26, 2012.

Committee Reports

Neighborhood watch

Treasurer’s Report

Financial Review
Delinquency Review & Attorney Collection Status

Old Business

Bylaw & CCR amendment status
DRV updates- Jennifer

New Business

ACC approval guidelines through CMA

Other Business

Next Meeting


Executive Session

“Music for Kids” Summer Concert Series at the Austin Public Library

Please take note of this fun (and free!) family summer music series — several of the performances (specifically, those at the Little Walnut Branch and Milwood Branch) are located close to Scofield Farms.  The following information is provided by the City of Austin:

The City of Austin’s Music Division and the Austin Public Library is
launching a series of summertime music performances for Austin’s youth.

The new six-week summer concert series, “Music for Kids”, will showcase 20 free,
musical performances suited for children, teens and families at library
locations throughout the city.

“The Music Division is thrilled to introduce this summer kids’ program in the
city,” said Don Pitts, Music Program Manager. “This is a great way to
highlight local talent and the positive influence of music on our children,
youth and families.”

Music for Kids, June 13-July 21, will feature Austin singer-songwriters
Lucas Miller, Gina Chavez, Neal Kassanoff and Courtney Sanchez, who will
each perform solo acts at various libraries. The series will also include
popular special guest musicians like Marcia Ball and Guy Forsyth.

Visit www.austintexas.gov/MusicForKids to learn more. These performances are
part of SRP’12, the Library’s summer reading program for youth. For a
complete list of SRP’12 events, check out www.austinsummerreading.org.

Scofield Farms ROA Annual Meeting – May 22

Please join us at the Scofield Farms ROA Annual Meeting on Tuesday, May 22, at  the Westview Middle School Cafeteria (1805 Scofield Lane).  Registration will begin at 6:30 pm, and the meeting will begin at 7 pm.  Agenda items for the meeting will include reports from the Scofield ROA Board of Directors, as well as the election of one homeowner to the Board. If you are unable to attend, please complete the proxy form and return to Certified Management of Austin ( CMA ) office by May 21, 2012, or you may send it with a neighbor who is attending. Your signed proxy will help meet the required quorum of ten (10%) percent.