Easter Egg Hunt Photos

What a great time we had at the Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 30!  Many thanks to Laura Nattinger and Lisa Griggs for all their hard work in planning such a fun event.  The children enjoyed an egg hunt, refreshments, face painting and even a petting zoo!  Here are some photos from the morning’s festivities.

Laura gives instructions to the egg hunters


The older children can’t wait to get started!


Let’s go find some eggs!


Even the littlest children enjoyed the hunt


Lots of eggs for everyone


Meeting a lizard for the first time


The rabbits were so soft!


All the children had a chance to meet the animals


Hedgehogs are so cute!


Holding the baby chicks


A fun family event to enjoy together



Pool Opens for the Season on Sunday, April 14

We are looking forward to a great pool season this year!  Improvements to the pool area are still ongoing; therefore, the pool will open for the season on Sunday, April 14.  Your Scofield ROA will celebrate the start of the pool season with a pool opening party with frozen custard and live music on the 14th from 3 pm to 6 pm.  More details about the party are available here.


Easter Egg Hunt – March 30

It’s that time again!  Come join us for the annual Easter Egg Hunt at Scofield Farms Park on Saturday, March 30 from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm.  We’ll have Easter egg hunts for ages 3 and under, 4-6 and 7 and up as well as food and the Tiny Tails to You petting zoo.  If you plan to participate, please deliver a dozen eggs *per participating child* to Laura Nattinger’s house, 1416 Braided Rope Drive, by Saturday, March 23.  The eggs should be stuffed with individually-wrapped candy and/or small toys.  If possible, please avoid sending golden-colored eggs, since they tend to get confused with the prize golden eggs that we hide for each age group.  We’d also like for parents/grandparents to add a note listing their kids’ ages to the bag of eggs they drop off, so we can better distribute the eggs into the appropriate age groups.  See you there – don’t miss the fun!

Board of Directors Meeting Scheduled for 4/8/2013

Scofield Farms Residential Owners Association
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date: Monday, April 8, 2013
Location and Time: Certified Management of Austin @ 6:00pm

Certified Management of Austin
9600 Great Hills Trail, Suite 100E
Austin, TX 78759

Call to order

Present – Shelley Karn,  David Negrete, Emmett Bills, Paul Maine, Debbie Southerland

Community member’s forum- Input allowed from homeowner/members

Approval of Prior Minutes

Review and approve minutes of the Board meeting held January 22, 2013

Committee Reports

Neighborhood watch

Treasurer’s Report

Financial Review
Delinquency Review & Attorney Collection Status

Old Business

Bylaw and CCR amendment status
DRV updates

New Business

Fencecrete update
Pool improvement project update
Pool opening event – April 14
Annual meeting – May 16
Cinco de Mayo party

Other Business

Next Meeting


Executive Session

Scofield Farms Park Mulch Party – March 23

Come join your fellow neighbors this Saturday, March 23rd from 9:00am to 12:00 noon at Scofield Farms Park.  We will be finishing up spreading the mulch from the mountain of mulch that was given to us prior to It’s My Park Day.  Despite our best efforts a few Saturdays ago, we didn’t have enough hands to complete the project.  Many of you were unable to attend the fun and camaraderie at the last event, so now is your chance to help make our park better and meet some great neighbors in the process.

We will meet at the north end of the park this time at the picnic tables, just off the end of Tamar Lane.  Pitchforks, shovels, and wheelbarrows will be provided, as well as all the water you can drink.

Contact Dan Frasier for additional information.  Hope to see you this Saturday!


Scofield ROA Board Information Session – March 24

Have you ever wondered what being part of the Scofield Farms ROA board was all about?  Come join current board members for a short informational session at the pool on Sunday, March 24th from 4 to 5 pm.  Every year, new positions open up on the board as members complete their 3-year terms.  We are always looking for capable, dedicated candidates!  If you are interested in running for a board position in the near future, or just want to find out more about the workings of the board, please join us.  Want to submit a question in advance?  Email us at [email protected].

Parmer Lane Elementary Family Fitness Fair – March 26

All neighborhood residents are invited to the Parmer Lane Elementary Family Fitness Fair, scheduled from 6 to 7:30 pm on March 26.  Free children’s activity stations will be available indoors and outdoors. In the past, the fair has included any and all of the following activity stations: Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, Kickball, Golf, Healthy Food Tasting, Smoothie Making, Giant Inflatables, Obstacle Courses, Zumba, Yoga, Bowling, Salsa Dancing, Martial Arts, and Boot Camp exercises. Food will also be sold during the evening to raise funds for school projects.  Check in at the Information Station in the back parking lot to get a map of all the events.  See you there!

It’s My Park Day – March 2

Come join your neighbors for the annual “It’s My Park Day” park cleanup event at Scofield Farms Park, to be held on Saturday, March 2, from 9 am to 12 pm.  It’s My Park Day is a citywide park improvement event, made possible by the participation of volunteers like you and your family.  This year, the Scofield Farms Park Beautification Project will include trash pickup, moving mulch, removing limbs and brush from along trails, and clearing invasive plants like China Berry trees.  Snacks and water will be provided (bring your own drinking container, please).

The online signup sheet for the event is now available here.  The online signup has a section where you can include the number coming in your party as well as add the size of t-shirt that you want that will commemorate the event. 

On the morning of the event, we will meet at the picnic tables under the pavilion in the park where Visalia Lane intersects with Scofield Farms Drive.   If you have gloves, please bring them, otherwise some should be provided.   Tools will be provided as well.  However, if you have a wheelbarrow that can be used to move mulch, please bring it as the city does not have many available.

For more information contact Dan Frasier at [email protected].


Refrigerator Recycling From Austin Energy

Did you know that Austin Energy will pay you $50 for each old, standard-size (between 14- 27 cubic feet), working refrigerator or freezer?  Just call 1-800-452-8685 to arrange for a pickup. To date, Austin Energy has collected more than 24,000 of these energy guzzlers. Next to heating, cooling and hot water, refrigerators and freezers use more electricity than any other home appliance. Refrigerators that are at least 15 years old use about twice the electricity of today’s new energy-efficient models.  For more information, visit austinenergy.com.