WiFi at Scofield Farms Pool!

We are happy to announce public WiFi Internet access at the Scofield Farms pool. The network name and password are posted on a sign inside the pool. WiFi is available within the pool area, adjacent playground and parking lot. In order to connect to the Public WiFi you must connect to the network and enter the password – you must also bring up your web browser and agree to the terms and conditions.

At the time of this writing each connection to the Public WiFi will be reset after two hours of usage. If you need to reconnect, you will need to accept the terms and conditions again in order to connect to the Public WiFi.


Pool House Roof To Be Repaired – Monday, May 13

As a result of recent storm damage, the roof at the pool house is scheduled to be repaired on Monday, May 13.   The pool will be closed during the repairs. The work is scheduled to be completed that same afternoon, but residents should be aware that the pool may not open at 5 pm (as usual for Mondays) if the work is not yet complete.  There is also a possibility that the work could continue into Tuesday.  Thank you for your consideration, and we look forward to enjoying all the many improvements at the pool area (with more to come) this summer!

5/16/2013 Scofield ROA Annual Meeting Agenda

Scofield Residential Owners Association, Inc.


There will be a meeting of the Scofield Residential Owners Association:

Date:                              Thursday, May 16, 2013

Registration:                6:30 p.m.

Time of Meeting:         7:00 p.m.

Place:                             Frank Fickett Boy Scout Center

  12500 North I-35

  Austin, TX 78753

Important agenda items include: (a) Report of Officers, (b) election of two (2) homeowners to the Board of Directors

  1. Call to Order
  2. Introductions
  3. Proof of Notice
  4. Approval of Minutes
  5. Report of Officers
  6. Report of Committees
  7. New and old policies
    1. Fencing
    2. Solar Panels
  8. Election of Directors
  9. New Business – Questions- Adjournment


Scofield ROA Annual Meeting – May 16, 2013

The annual meeting of the Scofield Residential Owners’ Association will be held on Thursday, May 16th at 7 pm at the Frank Fickett Boy Scout Center, 12500 North I-35, Austin TX 78753.  Check-in will begin at 6:30 pm.  Please join us for an important update on the past year from your Scofield ROA Board of Directors, as well as the election of two new members to the Board.  We’ll also be giving away door prizes.  The annual meeting is not only a informative and fun event, but necessary to the operation of our homeowners’ association.  If you are unable to attend, please complete the proxy form and return to Certified Management of Austin’s office by May 15, 2013, or you may send it with a neighbor who is attending. Your signed proxy will help meet the required quorum of ten (10%) percent.  If you are interested in running for an open Board position, please complete the following form and return it to Certified Management of Austin as soon as possible.  Hope to see you all on the 16th!

Don’t Forget – ACC Approval Needed for Many Landscaping Projects

Please keep in mind that when undertaking improvements on your property, there are multiple occasions when you should seek Architectural Control Committee (ACC) review & approval. There are also typical maintenance improvements that do not need ACC review & approval.  Please refer to the following important document before beginning any improvement project — it may save you from dealing with a possible deed restriction violation later!

Pool Parking Lot Closed 4/30 – 5/1/2013

The pool parking lot will be closed for repaving on Tuesday, 4/30/13 and Wednesday, 5/1/13.  Please move your vehicles out of this parking lot by 8 am on 4/30.  You will still be able to access the pool, mailboxes, and playground via the sidewalks during this time, but please do not walk on the barricaded work areas.  You can find more information in the following document from the paving company.  Thank you very much for your cooperation!

Board of Directors Special Meeting Scheduled For 4/22/13

Scofield Farms Residential Owners Association
Board of Directors Special Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date: Monday, April 24, 2013
Location and Time: Scofield Farms Pool @6:30 pm

Scofield Farms Pool

12521 Scofield Farms Drive

Austin, TX 78727


Call to order

Present – Shelley Karn,  David Negrete, Emmett Bills, Paul Maine, Debbie Southerland


Adopt Amendment to the Rules and Regulations of Scofield Residential Owners Association, Inc. (Regarding Wi-Fi Service)


Xeriscaping Forum at the Ridge – April 13

We have been invited to join our neighboring community, The Ridge at Scofield Farms, for a xeriscaping discussion forum.  Christopher Charles, Conservation Associate and Landscape Architect with the City of Austin, will speak on xeriscaping, various rebate programs, and City watering restrictions.  Mark Hess of Hess Lawns will join him to discuss water-saving landscaping and irrigation.   The event will be held from 8 am to 10 am at the Scofield Ridge pool (south side of Winwick Way/Scofield Ridge Parkway intersection).   Don’t miss this useful, informative (and free) discussion!

Note:  If you plan to attend, please contact [email protected] to RSVP.  Thanks!

Pool Opening Party – April 14

Come join your ROA Board of Directors at the Scofield Farms pool opening party, to be held from 3 pm to 6 pm on Sunday, April 14.  We’ll have free frozen custard from Culver’s, as well as live Rhythm and Blues music to start the pool season off right!   You’ll also get a chance to check out the numerous improvements to the pool area that have been made during the winter season.  Don’t miss the fun!

Mulch Party Photos

Thanks so much for all your participation in the recent It’s My Park Day and Mulch Party.  It’s the involvement of volunteers like you that makes Scofield Farms such a terrific place to call home!  Here are some photos of volunteers from the recent mulch spreading event at Scofield Farms Park.