As summer is winding down we just want to remind everyone of the some major pool rules still in effect as directed by the SROA Board of Directors and local governmental authorities:
1. NO Pool Parties are allowed
2. NO gatherings of more than 10 people
3. Pool Capacity is still at 50% or 63 owners
4. Pool Waiver forms MUST be signed up each entry
5. Masks are required for all over the age of 10 – unless you are in the pool
6. Social distancing of 6’ is required for persons not in immediate family household
Anyone not following the rules will be asked to leave by the gate monitor and could lose pool privileges for remainder of the season. Our goal is to allow residents to enjoy the amenity but also to keep each of us safe!
The pool will continue the summer hours through Sunday, September 6. The pool will be open for Labor Day Monday, September 7. After Labor Day the pool will only be open Saturday and Sunday from 8am – 8pm, and will not be open during the week. The pool closes for the season at 8pm on Sunday, October 11.